
A Couple of Secrets

I'm returning from an unplanned hiatus.  I've been sick for the last 8 weeks with hyperemesis.  However, now I'm finding myself on the other side, and it's the holiday season!  I guess if you have to lose a few weeks, it's nice to wake up to Thanksgiving and Christmas plans. 

Since I haven't been posting, I wanted to offer my secret little link to make up for so much absence.  Okay, if you can google, you can find it yourself, but this is the pouch sling pattern that I have used for years.  It was the pattern that I used when I first opened my etsy shop, and when I first started having little ones, and perhaps I'll need a new one soon.  Back in the old days, I worried that if people new how easy they were to make, they wouldn't buy one from me.  So now you know.


Kelly said...

Congratulations! And my goodness, I hope you are feeling much better!

Julie said...

Yippee! We couldn't be more excited about the new little Wilson. Another precious one. So glad you're feeling better.

Anna @ Blue Dirt said...

This is the method I found for making slings too, but from a different website. Safer than the ones with a buckle/circle thing. And they are very easy, cheap, and quick to make! Feel better!

julie said...

Oh, I was hyper-emetic, too! It's the main reason behind my hysterical vomit phobia. I'm so happy that you're out the other side!

Michelle said...

congratulations! I too, suffered from hyperemesis when I was pregnant, so I know that it is no fun at all - really horrible, actually! Lucky we know that the end result is worth all the misery. Best wishes for a safe pregnancy!

Sally said...

Congratulations on another babe on the way. So sorry to hear that the little one has been putting you through the works... hope your pregnancy is one of those magically glowing comfortable blissful journeys from now on... or as close as it can be in reality (as opposed to the fictional place where such a pregnancy would be possible!)

Take care.

Papgena Made It said...

I just hope you're feeling better and better!!

Claire said...

I'm so happy to hear your wonderful news!! Your name needs to be in the bulletin now! ;)