Wow, that giveaway day was something, wasn't it? I had no idea how many blogs were involved. Pretty neat, not enough hours in the day to visit them all though. Thanks for everyone who participated here. I enjoyed reading about all your favorite windows, but the randomizer especially liked number 2 (no kidding!) which is Aunt Lolo. Congratulations! I'll be sending an email and two fat quarters shortly!
We spent this week celebrating for a couple of reasons. It was L's birthday (although NOT, unfortunately, J's - we're still waiting on that), and... we closed on our land! The pictures are us celebrating at Besso's after the closing with some gelato.
What land, you ask? John and I have been looking for land (not "looking to land" as our local paper misprinted our ad once) for about 3 years. We've changed our minds several times about what we actual want, and where we want it. But we finally found a lovely piece of land, in a good location, with great friends for neighbors. And now we're finally ready to pursue the next phase of life - building our home, planting trees, raising animals, and enjoying all those other aspects of country life. I'm sure you'll hear lots more about it.

Jonah is loving your picture- he keeps saying weeze! weeze!
Congratulations on your land (landing). It will be fun for you to be able to pick out your own stuff for your house and grounds.
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