
Spring flower gardens

The girls were talking about flowers, and so we spent a day buying and planting flowers and seeds. I especially looked for flowers that would go from seed to bloom in a short time.  We used: Nasturtiums, Marigolds, Zinnias, and forget me nots. 

We also made a big pot look like miniature garden. It seemed timely with easter, and I really wanted to make a tomb and stone so it could be a resurrection garden (like this, this, this, or this), but we never quite got there.  Still we planted it with succulents and flowers, then made a path of moss and set a rock in the middle. The girls talked about what they might do in the garden if they were small enough to walk in it: pray, think think think, smell the flowers.

Of course, I did have to pull their dinosaurs and dogs (who are small enough to walk in it) out of the garden several times the first week because they enjoyed jumping on the flowers.  The seeds have grown really well, and their getting quite tall now.

No blooms yet, but we're keeping an eye on them.

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