

These monsters are friends.  They're hugging.  Aw
I adore when my kids make up projects by themselves.  They are always endlessly thrilling and lovely. We've been quite over-scheduled this year (have I mentioned that yet?) and so I've lightened up on our pre-schooling during the spring.  L has compensated by doing "school" projects on her own.

He doesn't see the sun, because it's behind him. That's funny, because it so big.
One day she sat down and drew a dozen full page size monsters.  When she finished John helped her cut them out and we taped them on the wall.  We cut some green paper to make a little horizon line, then she decided to add trees and clouds and suns (plural).

This monster is taller than the trees!  And the trees are so tall they touch the clouds!
I was so enchanted with how she drew their teeth and wings, how the clouds were like "white trees," and the trees were mostly trunks.  We kept the little scene on the wall for a few weeks, but when it was time to take them down, we taped her figures onto thick paper and stapled them into a book. She made them all quite big so it was hard to fit much on a page - but she enjoyed thinking about overlapping shapes and the new relationships the figures had to one another.

Do you know why I put the tape here, Mommy? Because I thought it might tear right there.
It cracks me up to see this book, with claws and wings sticking out everywhere.  I have no idea where to keep it, but I'm so glad to have it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're back! Love to read about what you're creating, cooking or thinking!
