
working mom

working on a family portrait for John's birthday

I realized the other day that writing a book while working a part time job is kind of like having a full time job, but without the salary.  Add to that homeschooling, blogging, painting, and sleep deprivation, and I think I bit of more than I can chew this year. I keep reminding myself of all the reasons its worth it.

I have definitely gained a new respect for working mothers.

Still, we're getting through it.  I know I'll be glad for all the hard work later, and when the book is done, and I'm no longer working nights, I'll have some much extra energy and free time to work on whatever I want. I'm already making a list:

  • sew a pair of jeans, tailored for me
  • okay, make pieces for a whole wardrobe (tops, skirts, pants)
  • paint, paint, paint
  • illustrate a new coloring book for grown ups (any ideas?)
  • make a coloring book of heroic princesses
In the meantime, I'm thinking of taking another blog break.  Not until after Christmas, because there are just too many good Christmas-y things to share.   Plus, I'm sort-of-half-way-if-I-have-time planning to work up a new dinosaur pattern (Stegosaurus or Apatosaurus?) for J and maybe a dog for L.  She's asked for a Dalmation, a hound dog, and a dog like Lassie - so who knows what I'll end up with. 

But anyway, you can expect a little hibernation until spring coming up.  I promise to be full of energy and projects when I come back.  :)


  1. I want a copy of that coloring book. If you need help finding stories, let me know.

  2. Definitely, Chara! I almost called you for help a few weeks ago, but decided I just couldn't start now. We'll talk!

  3. I want to see the finished picture of that portrait for John- it looks amazing! Also, next time you're in town, I want to talk home school...

  4. You captured her work mid-progress...I ♥ it. She is so intent on her portrait!
