
What I Did on My Summer Vacation

I always think I'll have more time in the summer than usual, but somehow the time still fills up with lots of stuff.  We did a fair amount of summery things, of course.  Like:

bird watching

looking up bugs in our Golden Guides

adopting yet another kitten

baking bread

and finishing the alphabet.

I wanted to devote plenty of time to sewing for my book, which I was able to do.  But also, I wanted to just be with my family and spend a little time reflecting on the whirlwind year we've had with some very big ups and downs.  Its always nice to slow down sometimes and clear a little space in your head.

But NOW, I'm excited about the fall and a regular schedule again. We Wilsons have a lot going on this fall: I may be working part time, approaching some deadlines for my book, and if all works out as planned, we'll be building our house and moving in the fall!  Doesn't this look like a lovely house spot at the end of a long driveway?  I think so.  :)

So now I'm battling the distraction of all the lovely design websites and imagining the way I'll set up the furniture in my new studio.  My theme this fall:  time management!  What are you looking forward to this fall?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, lots of changes ahead. I understand. We need to have a long conversation. I really miss you.

    This fall I'm going to work on cleaning out my house so I can make room for #3 (or #5, if you're counting everyone) in this 2 bedroom house. Also, I will be praying that we get our house on the market soon. :)
