
Rarr - the Creative Process (and another give away!)

Whew, two new patterns within a week?  Crazy right?

I've been giving myself a number of projects to do for my book each month, and when I finish, then I can do any other sewing for the rest of the month. It's a great motivator, and I'm getting so much more done than I ever realized I could.  So below, I want to share two things: a bit about my creative process, and a giveaway (300 400 downloads - first come, first serve) of my new Dino pattern.

Creative Process

1.  Sketch out pattern.  Think, "this is perfect.  I'll go ahead and cut out enough to make 4 dinosaurs in crazy cute fabrics!" Assemble two and realize there are all kinds of flaws (won't stand, skinny arms, puckering).  Oops.

2.  Adjust pattern.  Cut out just one, but optimistically use the cute fabric again.  It's better, but still needs work (still skinny arms, still puckering, still won't stand up).  Give this prototype to the kids: they love misfits.

3.  Draft version 3.  Send it to husband to print at work.  In the meantime, browse Abby's Elements of Soft Toy Design series at While She Naps.  (If you want to try drafting your own patterns, you should definitely check this out!)

4.  Slap head.  See great idea on While She Naps, and decide to try something different.  Forget version 3, enter Dinosaur 4.1.  Huge improvement, very excited, but needs a little more work (stands up! nice arms, no puckering - whoa those legs are huge). Give Dino 4.1 to the kids.

5.  Dinosaur 4.2 complete (with eyes).  Put Dinos and pattern in the shop, smile a lot, and begin give away:  click here to download! 
UPDATE:thanks everyone!  We gave away 421 patterns.  Enjoy, and be sure to let me know how it works for you!


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    So cute! I tried to download it but they're saying I have to ask you for permission? my user name is ghosttart

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    oh, killjoy...it reads that i dont have the right to view the document....

  3. Thanks so much for sharing the process! I've had some ideas that didn't quite pan out and haven't always been able to bring them past that stage. You've got a real success with this one.

  4. Looks like the sharing preference hasn't been set in your Keepandshare account. I don't know if this is because you hit the 300 limit (if you did, congrats and delete this comment).

  5. I love him and I'm thrilled that my series was helpful to you!

  6. Are you already to 300? I can't figure out how to download it if your giveaway is still open. Id love to make this for my little guy, my girl too: )

  7. Got an error. Hope to download tomorrow. Dino looks great! Glad to have been pointed in you direction by craftzine. I now have another blog to follow :)

  8. When I click the pattern link it says I have to ask you to share the pattern with my username?

  9. hollin4:58 PM

    so cute!!
    I clicked the download link and signed up for an account but it says you need to set your sharing controls to give my username permission to view the document.

  10. So cute!! Quick question...how do we download the pattern? Or is the giveaway already closed? Thanks!

  11. I love this - this is perfect for nephew who turns 1 on Monday. Did I miss out on the download? I can't figure out Keep and Share but it says I don't have permission.

    Love your patterns!

  12. Ashley5:18 PM

    My son loves Dinosaurs! We are having a dinosaur 4th birthday party in 2 weeks! I would love to make this for him, but its says I have to ask you to share it with me.
    My name on Keep&Share is Mommyof2cuppycakes.

  13. Boo! I get a "sharing controls" message when I click on the link to the pattern... :(

  14. biggreenfeet6:07 PM

    I love this pattern! I tried to use the link for the free pattern, but the screen I got said

    "To view it you need to ask the owner of the other account to set the Sharing controls to give your KeepandShare user name "biggreenfeet" rights to view the document."

    If there are still downloads available, could you email me the pattern?

  15. Hi there

    I would love to download this new pattern. COuld you please add wendalls to your keep and share list so I can do this.

    Thnks and great blog

  16. I'm so sorry I left all of you hanging. I didn't set the share setting right, and then I left the house for several hours. It's fixed now.
    Again, I'm so sorry. Hope you enjoy it!

  17. Woo! Download complete -I can't wait to get started on some dino's. Thanks for the giveaway on this beautiful pattern. It is much appreciated!

  18. Adorable! Thank you!

  19. Yay! Thank you for sharing this pattern! You're dinosaurs are so cute. :)

  20. Yeah! I almost missed this pattern, so glad that I got it. Can't wait to start making these for gifts. ;)

  21. Thanks so much! He's so cute.

    I drafted my own kangaroo pattern--with legs similar to these dinos' legs-- and can also attest to the need for several drafts! I gave up after two. ;) Thanks for sharing this darling dino pattern.
