
Giving it Away

We had an excellent time at Arts in the Alley last night.  I'm thrilled that my little town is full of creative people who developed an Arts Commission that is so active.  It's fun to find new crafts people and musicians in your own town.  And, can I just say, that giving away stuff at a craft fair is exponentially better than selling.  The little word "FREE" on my table let me interact with so many more people and immediately made people smile.  Which speaks to me on a level beyond simple consumerism.

And a shout out to my mom - who sent me a package of 30 crowns that she and a friend made.  I had about 20 of my own, making a slew of crowns, as mom would say.  We gave away 31 last night (so I've got some ready to mail if you want one!). It was a blast seeing all the kids running around wearing crowns, for me and L both.

No matter how much love you give, you never have less. In fact you discover you have more — one ruble becomes two, two becomes ten. - Mother Maria Skobtsova

All of the diverse facets of my life, including the crown project, seem to be criss-crossing in surprising ways, causing me to decompartmentalize.  That feels good.  It is helping me give up some of the unhelpful ways I define myself.   Specifically, I realize I am not defined by what my friends believe and do, rather who I am a friend to.  That also feels really good.  And it is a lesson I needed to learn.

Apparently, I also need to learn to iron my tablecloth. :)

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I always try to have something little to give away on my table at a craft fair, but it's always meant as an advertising ploy. Love that you just gave away crowns!
