
Happy New Year!

The Wilsons are greeting the New Year with gratitude and hopefulness.  I'm especially grateful our friends (and landlords) turned our garage into a second bedroom, so we Wilsons now live in a beautiful two bedroom house, giving us much needed space and privacy.  New opportunities promise to challenge and inspire us (more on that soon...).  And this is the year we will begin actual construction on our house - which is scary and thrilling all at once.

Our Christmas break has been filled with family and play.  It's always nice to just be together without too many obligations.  Among our favorite gifts this year were the Waldorf dolls and the beautiful ring John gave me to remember all my beautiful babies.  The stacking ring was made by LaurenMeredith who is great for custom orders. In the picture, the girls are sitting in our new room beneath the windows that only a male Wilson would have taught them to open.  About 10 minutes after I took this photo, I had to fetch one of the dolls from outside.

I hope your new year is full of wild new ideas that you can make with your hands.  I hope you find inspiration and insight in every day and every task.  May your stitches be neat, your paintings feel just right, your words be plentiful, and your house be beautiful!


  1. I can't believe how big June is getting.
    Really love that ring. Did you make it?
    Are those the finished dolls the girls are holding?

  2. I love the paint color on the walls! It looks so peaceful and happy. I hope you have many sweet dreams in there.
