
Signs of Spring

We Wilsons have become avid bird watchers from our kitchen window. Our list is getting longer and longer. Some of our favorites this year: Juncos, Cardinals, Purple Finches, and Nuthatches.

Tomatoes and marigolds started indoors will soon be ready to go out!

Our chickens are laying almost 3 dozen eggs a week! Whew! Egg recipes sure to follow.


  1. Wow, your spring is way ahead of ours! Beautiful eggs, how many hens do you have? We just have 3, but are getting 3 chicks soon!

  2. Have you guys thought about selling some of the eggs? Obviously not as a huge profit-making scheme, but it might cover feed, or something?

    Also, could you ship them to me?

    Just kidding. I do think they are beautiful. Who needs to dye eggs when they look like that?

  3. What a great idea starting your seeds in the pyrex! Lovely!
