I meant to make some patchwork placemats this week - to encourage a particular little one to sit at the table. I even got a little started. Great tip: one regular old pillowcase can be cut into 4 placemat size rectangles - perfect for a foundation fabric.
But instead, John and I have been throwing out all the possibilities for great flip dolls - and I think I'm hooked. I was up until 1 am last night sewing. It will probably take me at least a week to finish each one - but I've got about 7 great ideas. Legends, folk tales, alter egos...
The one above is an itty bitty one that I hand sewed while thinking about different construction possibilities - a goose and seal, to go with my Goose Girl and Seal Wife theme.
Look for a legendary one early next week.
Who would you like to see in a flip doll?
I used to have one as a kid (30 years ago). One side was Red Riding Hood (It looked amazingly similar to the one that looked like you. The dress was similar too). Flippig it over, was grandma with grey curly hair and long dress...instead of a back to her head was the big bad wolf in grey fur. I'm describing this badly but I loved that doll. Thanks for the warm memory.
My daghter has been wanting me to make her a monster softie( like her brothers only girlie) but she likes butterflies. After seeing your post I thought it would be cool to have a monster/butterfly flip doll.
These are so cool, Laura!
Beauty's Beast and the Prince . . . I guess that's an obvious one.
Are you a Narnia fan? How about a greedy dragon and the boy (Eustace)?
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